
Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Condemned to Republican representation....

With all but 200 votes counted, here is how nearly 40% of Whatcom registered voters cast their ballots for U.S. Senate and Wa Legislative Districts in Whatcom County::
Race Candidate Votes PercentageOfTotalVotes
United States U.S. Senator Maria Cantwell 24,723 54.973
United States U.S. Senator Michael Baumgartner 13,296 29.5644
United States U.S. Senator Art Coday 3,111 6.9175
United States U.S. Senator Glen (Stocky) R. Stockwell 1,030 2.2903
United States U.S. Senator Chuck Jackson 886 1.9701
United States U.S. Senator Timmy (Doc) Wilson 842 1.8722
United States U.S. Senator Mike the Mover 611 1.3586
United States U.S. Senator Will Baker 474 1.054

Legislative District 42 State Representative Pos. 1 Natalie McClendon 13,625 44.111
Legislative District 42 State Representative Pos. 1 Jason Overstreet 17,263 55.889

Legislative District 42 State Representative Pos. 2 Matthew Krogh 13,626 44.2288
Legislative District 42 State Representative Pos. 2 Vincent Buys 17,182 55.7712

Legislative District 40 State Representative Pos. 1 Kristine Lytton 9,692 100

Legislative District 40 State Representative Pos. 2 Howard A. Pellett 2,255 20.1663
Legislative District 40 State Representative Pos. 2 Jeff Morris 8,927 79.8337

Some obvious thoughts:

(1) Populated south Whatcom county (e.g. most of south Bellingham) is now so Democratic the Republicans don't bother to run candidates in the new 40th District.
(2) Overall, Whatcom county leans Democratic as can be evinced by Maria Cantwell's primary victory of nearly 55%.
(3) Krogh and McClendon will need a voter registration and voter turnout miracle to beat Overstreet or Buys in the 42nd.

Redistricting has nearly guaranteed legislative votes that cancel out each other in the Fourth Corner. The gerry-mandering seeds almost the entirety of Whatcom County's geographical presence to the Republicans, links the 40th Orcas Island liberals with South Bellingham of the same and cuts off working class North Bellingham from Democratic support:

And that's probably not going to change much in November unless Matt and Natalie can galvanize farm workers, WCC students and core Democratic neighborhoods like the Lettered Streets, Cornwall, Birchwood,  and Columbia in Bellingham.  Unless they can  find a way to transplant some of the 16,000 returning WWU students to 42nd  district address....I don't see much Democratic legislative representation for those of us who live in neighborhoods north of downtown in Bellingham. Here is about as clear a picture as I can screenshot tonight of those Bellingham neighborhoods north of downtown now condemned eternally to Republican legislative representation:

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