
Saturday, November 17, 2012

The Aftermath (Part IV): But for the Grace of God and Democrats...

I have no idea where all $94M of the independent contributions from the Republican Governors Association (as  listed 11/17/2012 in WA PDC)  exactly went to in the last two months of WA 2012 election. The sponsor is listed as 'REPUBLICAN GOVERNORS ASSOCIATION WASHINGTON PAC'. But I find this a mind blowing data dump from this PDC Query:

$PDC01 | ? {$_.Contributor -eq "REPUBLICAN GOVERNORS ASSOC."}).amount | measure-object -sum -average -max -min

Count    : 87
Average  : 1084597.70
Sum      : 94360000
Maximum  : 4000000
Minimum  : 10000

The WA governors vote will be total more than 3 million votes. So if the RGA pumped all $94M into defeating Democrat Jay Inslee ( I have to doubt that somehow) than each of us was potentially worth: 3M/94M=$31.30 per vote. Since Whatcom County (see map below) was one of the eight counties that helped put Jay over the top, I want my fair share!

I would like to make some comment on how little $$$ matter in free and fair Democratic elections. But the probable truth is that they are just going to spend more next time. As per usual, click on the graphics to enlarge.


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