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From: "Maura Cowley, Energy Action Coalition" <theteam@energyaction.net>
Date: Jun 25, 2013 4:24 PM
Subject: The speech we've been fighting for
To: <rferrisx@gmail.com>

From: "Maura Cowley, Energy Action Coalition" <theteam@energyaction.net>
Date: Jun 25, 2013 4:24 PM
Subject: The speech we've been fighting for
To: <rferrisx@gmail.com>
This is the speech we have been fighting for. Today, President Obama stood up and laid out in bold detail his plan to address the greatest challenge of our generation. He announced that for the first time ever we will cap the carbon pollution spewing from power plants, took a defiant stance on Keystone XL, and even gave a shout out to divestment!
Today's speech was a BIG deal for the climate, a major victory for our movement — and most of all, a HUGE testament to the work that YOU and other youth climate activists have been doing for years to push the President to lead the way on climate change.
This was a huge victory, but it is not an end to this fight, it's a new beginning. We got this far because people like you have been pushing the President. And we will not get over the finish line unless we hold the President accountable to his commitments and continue pushing further.
In particular, like many of you, I am very concerned about the parts of President Obama's plan that involve natural gas and fracking.
That fight is personal to me. Fracking waste is now being dumped just five miles from where I grew up, polluting the drinking water of communities across the region I call home. We will not allow our communities and our waters to be poisoned. This is a fight that we are all going to have to take on. And if we learned anything today, it's that if we join together as a united youth movement, it is a fight we will win.
We'll be back in touch soon about the next steps for how we build on the momentum from today's speech, but for right now, I above all want to say THANK YOU. Thank you for your dedication to this fight and your tireless commitment to climate justice. We can celebrate today because your work has pushed us to this major victory and your people power will drive us forward.
Maura Cowley
Executive Director
Energy Action Coalition
Executive Director
Energy Action Coalition
P.S. Missed the speech? Check out the video and transcript on the WeArePowerShift.org blog.
Energy Action Coalition is a youth-led coalition of 50 organizations working together to fight for a clean, just and renewable energy future. For a list of Energy Action.