"We face, therefore, a moral crisis as a country and a people. It cannot be met by repressive police action. It cannot be left to increased demonstrations in the streets. It cannot be quieted by token moves or talk. It is a time to act in the Congress, in your State and local legislative body and, above all, in all of our daily lives. It is not enough to pin the blame on others, to say this a problem of one section of the country or another, or deplore the facts that we face. A great change is at hand, and our task, our obligation, is to make that revolution, that change, peaceful and constructive for all. Those who do nothing are inviting shame, as well as violence. Those who act boldly are recognizing right, as well as reality." - President John Fitzgerald Kennedy on Civil Rights June 11, 1963.This piece continues my work on CVAP data and demographics in Whatcom County (See 1, 2). Most of the code (and some ouput) for this piece is here. My guess is that the key piece of OFA's victory in 2012 derived from the engagement of people of color not only in Whatcom County but throughout the nation. The 42nd district races in 2014 present opportunities particularly for the Democratic Party to engage many county based Hispanics and Native Americans and a surprising number of people of color who live in block groups or precincts that are part of the 42nd. The data here is 2010 Block Group Data. For statewide only updated estimates see the Census data explorer.
The Democrats I grew up with in the Bay Area (e.g. Phil Burton, Willie Brown, Ronald Dellums, Barbara Lee, George Miller, Gus Newport among many other local politicians) made it a point to engage in political dialog with all of their constituencies in a state whose legacy included Cesar Chavez, the Black Panthers, and historical civil rights activism. I simply don't see this type of engagement from local political leaders in Washington state outside of perhaps Seattle. Yet the emerging electoral profile of WA state is increasingly made up of people of color. This is one view (race and ethnic groups are overlaid with transparent (alpha channel) color) of the multi-racial spectrum of Whatcom County's non white citizens by Census Block Group. Click to Enlarge :
![]() |
Note on this graphic: These population estimates in this charts are limited to 750 max for perspective. For grouped and not overlaid charts see Barcharts of All Races and Ethnicity (far below). |
Although you would hardly suspect it walking through Bellingham, we can see from the (2010) Block Group CVAP figures below that 15.8% of Whatcom County citizens are not "White Alone" and that approximately 12.6% of voting age citizens are not "White Alone". For the 2013 Census, nearly 20% of all Whatcom County residents are not "White Alone". Below: Table listing race and ethnic categories from the Census American Community Survey CVAP Block Groups (2010):
Total | 190180 | 149235 | 40945 | 78.47% |
Not Hispanic or Latino | 178280 | 142995 | 35285 | 80.21% |
White Alone | 160085 | 130320 | 29765 | 81.41% |
Hispanic or Latino | 11928 | 6255 | 5673 | 52.44% |
Asian Alone | 5535 | 4152 | 1383 | 75.01% |
American Indian or Alaska Native Alone | 5062 | 3654 | 1408 | 72.18% |
Asian and White | 1855 | 1139 | 716 | 61.40% |
American Indian or Alaska Native and White | 1841 | 1255 | 586 | 68.17% |
Black or African American Alone | 1681 | 1248 | 433 | 74.24% |
Black or African American and White | 949 | 439 | 510 | 46.26% |
Remainder of Two or More Race Responses | 847 | 396 | 451 | 46.75% |
Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander Alone | 372 | 372 | 0 | 100.00% |
American Indian or Alaska Native and Black or African American | 29 | 14 | 15 | 48.28% |
As I discussed in a previous post, the 177 Whatcom county precincts(red an blue) and the 102 Census Block Groups (yellow) don't overlap or match up. The CVAP block group shapes titled with their respective GEOID numbers as file numbers can be downloaded here. Click to enlarge.
![]() |
Above: The 102 Whatcom County Block Groups in yellow. Bottom: 177 Whatcom County and City of Bellingham Precincts (red and blue). |
SQL Queries for Races/Ethnicity in Whatcom County
We can use the block group shapes and locations combined with CVAP data to tell us:
- How many citizens of a particular race/ethnicity live in a particular block group
- How many are of each are of voting age
Select Distinct(LNTITLE) from blockgr_wc;
American Indian or Alaska Native and Black or African American
Remainder of Two or More Race Responses
Not Hispanic or Latino
Asian Alone
American Indian or Alaska Native and White
Black or African American and White
Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander Alone
Asian and White
Black or African American Alone
White Alone
Hispanic or Latino
American Indian or Alaska Native Alone
13 rows)
geoid | lntitle | sumcit | sumcvap
15000US530730009012 | Hispanic or Latino | 510 | 215
15000US530730002002 | Hispanic or Latino | 500 | 290
15000US530730007001 | Hispanic or Latino | 455 | 70
15000US530730106001 | Hispanic or Latino | 410 | 315
15000US530730104031 | Hispanic or Latino | 365 | 100
15000US530730102004 | Hispanic or Latino | 325 | 110
15000US530730008062 | Hispanic or Latino | 300 | 105
15000US530730103012 | Hispanic or Latino | 290 | 145
15000US530730104041 | Hispanic or Latino | 290 | 50
15000US530730102005 | Hispanic or Latino | 270 | 150
15000US530730107021 | Hispanic or Latino | 245 | 170
15000US530730001003 | Hispanic or Latino | 235 | 160
15000US530730105021 | Hispanic or Latino | 225 | 165
15000US530730003002 | Hispanic or Latino | 225 | 55
15000US530730103032 | Hispanic or Latino | 225 | 120
15000US530730005013 | Hispanic or Latino | 210 | 165
15000US530730008063 | Hispanic or Latino | 200 | 105
15000US530730107013 | Hispanic or Latino | 200 | 25
15000US530739400001 | Hispanic or Latino | 200 | 120
15000US530730105022 | Hispanic or Latino | 200 | 55
(20 rows)
geoid | lntitle | sumcit | sumcvap
15000US530730104031 | Asian Alone | 365 | 165
15000US530730001003 | Asian Alone | 345 | 295
15000US530730007003 | Asian Alone | 275 | 275
15000US530730012013 | Asian Alone | 245 | 245
15000US530730104041 | Asian Alone | 230 | 115
15000US530730103032 | Asian Alone | 230 | 140
15000US530730007001 | Asian Alone | 220 | 90
15000US530730009021 | Asian Alone | 220 | 125
15000US530730008034 | Asian Alone | 215 | 175
15000US530730008042 | Asian Alone | 170 | 145
15000US530730008033 | Asian Alone | 160 | 110
15000US530730105011 | Asian Alone | 125 | 70
15000US530730011003 | Asian Alone | 115 | 95
15000US530730104013 | Asian Alone | 115 | 95
15000US530730104012 | Asian Alone | 110 | 85
15000US530730104032 | Asian Alone | 90 | 40
15000US530730003002 | Asian Alone | 85 | 85
15000US530730007002 | Asian Alone | 85 | 85
15000US530730004001 | Asian Alone | 80 | 25
15000US530739400001 | Asian Alone | 80 | 75
(20 rows)
Select GEOID,LNTITLE,Sum(CIT_EST) AS SUMCIT,Sum(CVAP_EST) AS SUMCVAP from blockgr_wc where LNTITLE = 'American Indian or Alaska Native Alone' Group By GEOID,LNTITLE ORDER By SUMCIT DESC LIMIT 20;
geoid | lntitle | sumcit | sumcvap
15000US530739400001 | American Indian or Alaska Native Alone | 1910 | 1340
15000US530730101004 | American Indian or Alaska Native Alone | 295 | 235
15000US530730003001 | American Indian or Alaska Native Alone | 275 | 175
15000US530730007002 | American Indian or Alaska Native Alone | 275 | 275
15000US530730107021 | American Indian or Alaska Native Alone | 235 | 150
15000US530730002001 | American Indian or Alaska Native Alone | 230 | 65
15000US530739400002 | American Indian or Alaska Native Alone | 210 | 140
15000US530730006001 | American Indian or Alaska Native Alone | 180 | 165
15000US530730001003 | American Indian or Alaska Native Alone | 160 | 145
15000US530730105012 | American Indian or Alaska Native Alone | 150 | 105
15000US530730107022 | American Indian or Alaska Native Alone | 90 | 45
15000US530730008051 | American Indian or Alaska Native Alone | 85 | 30
15000US530730106001 | American Indian or Alaska Native Alone | 85 | 10
15000US530730104031 | American Indian or Alaska Native Alone | 75 | 75
15000US530730007003 | American Indian or Alaska Native Alone | 65 | 45
15000US530730107013 | American Indian or Alaska Native Alone | 60 | 60
15000US530730105011 | American Indian or Alaska Native Alone | 50 | 50
15000US530730102001 | American Indian or Alaska Native Alone | 50 | 30
15000US530730009011 | American Indian or Alaska Native Alone | 45 | 45
15000US530730008041 | American Indian or Alaska Native Alone | 40 | 10
(20 rows)
WC2014_08_01_2014=# Select GEOID,LNTITLE,Sum(CIT_EST) AS SUMCIT,Sum(CVAP_EST) AS SUMCVAP from blockgr_wc where LNTITLE = 'Black or African American Alone' Group By GEOID,LNTITLE OR
geoid | lntitle | sumcit | sumcvap
15000US530730104041 | Black or African American Alone | 135 | 95
15000US530730012013 | Black or African American Alone | 120 | 70
15000US530730009022 | Black or African American Alone | 105 | 50
15000US530730105012 | Black or African American Alone | 95 | 65
15000US530730002003 | Black or African American Alone | 90 | 90
15000US530730009012 | Black or African American Alone | 70 | 70
15000US530730001002 | Black or African American Alone | 65 | 40
15000US530730008033 | Black or African American Alone | 55 | 0
15000US530730008042 | Black or African American Alone | 55 | 55
15000US530730101005 | Black or African American Alone | 50 | 50
15000US530730006001 | Black or African American Alone | 45 | 45
15000US530730008062 | Black or African American Alone | 45 | 45
15000US530730012011 | Black or African American Alone | 40 | 40
15000US530730104032 | Black or African American Alone | 40 | 15
15000US530730103032 | Black or African American Alone | 35 | 15
15000US530730007001 | Black or African American Alone | 35 | 0
15000US530730003004 | Black or African American Alone | 35 | 35
15000US530730010002 | Black or African American Alone | 35 | 35
15000US530730103021 | Black or African American Alone | 30 | 10
15000US530730011003 | Black or African American Alone | 30 | 30
(20 rows)
We can use a more complicated query to tell us those block groups that have the most non-white citizens:
Select GEOID,Sum(CIT_EST) AS SUMCIT,Sum(CVAP_EST) AS SUMCVAP from BlockGr_wc where (LNTITLE != 'Total') AND (LNTITLE != 'White Alone') AND (LNTITLE != 'Not Hispanic or Latino') Group By GEOID having (SUM(CIT_EST) != 0) or (SUM(CVAP_EST) != 0) ORDER By SUMCIT DESC LIMIT 20;
geoid | sumcit | sumcvap---------------------+--------+---------
15000US530739400001 | 2470 | 1655
15000US530730001003 | 1065 | 764
15000US530730104031 | 865 | 400
15000US530730104041 | 744 | 304
15000US530730007001 | 710 | 160
15000US530730103032 | 655 | 345
15000US530730107021 | 620 | 390
15000US530730002002 | 615 | 405
15000US530730009012 | 615 | 320
15000US530730003001 | 605 | 360
15000US530730012013 | 605 | 535
15000US530730007002 | 585 | 410
15000US530730105012 | 560 | 305
15000US530730008062 | 555 | 300
15000US530730106001 | 530 | 350
15000US530730007003 | 489 | 415
15000US530730008051 | 485 | 300
15000US530730101004 | 463 | 367
15000US530730008042 | 460 | 315
15000US530730010002 | 455 | 365
(20 rows)
GIS code that matches these block groups to precincts and voting lists I will leave for another post. However, visual inspection allows us to match the top ten 'non-white' citizen estimates (table above in blue) with their appropriate block groups in Whatcom County:
We can merge the usual fields of the Census block group distribution with the CVAP estimates to give us helpful latitude and longitude of existing block groups:
GEOID of Block Groups by Location
1 530730012022 +48.6558619 -122.5038085 685 590
2 530730012021 +48.6669151 -122.4212265 1035 820
3 530730008061 +48.6921660 -122.2652852 2395 1730
4 530730109001 +48.6934263 -122.6794705 980 900
5 530730012023 +48.7089201 -122.4809786 515 505
6 530730009021 +48.7098274 -122.4465896 3535 2695
7 530730012024 +48.7106068 -122.4925886 880 690
8 530730008062 +48.7120483 -122.3548321 2805 2280
9 530730011003 +48.7150195 -122.5187975 2755 2380
10 530730008063 +48.7175215 -122.3279003 2345 1790
11 530730012012 +48.7187165 -122.4958403 955 870
12 530730012011 +48.7210267 -122.4882090 2075 1985
13 530730012013 +48.7229280 -122.4787300 3820 3545
14 530730011002 +48.7232103 -122.5004883 1285 1270
15 530730008051 +48.7260983 -122.3888087 2560 2075
16 530730011001 +48.7270762 -122.5060373 2650 2210
17 530730101004 +48.7279270 -122.1394271 2095 1840
18 530730009022 +48.7280520 -122.4621212 2185 1730
19 530730010001 +48.7336452 -122.4833213 2240 2240
20 530730008053 +48.7339542 -122.3706223 820 680
21 530730010002 +48.7378611 -122.4732904 1700 1535
22 530730009011 +48.7403084 -122.4613583 1740 1545
23 530730009013 +48.7415525 -122.4427263 2220 1820
24 530730010003 +48.7430797 -122.4810938 2715 2610
25 530730005013 +48.7456101 -122.4696043 1790 1580
26 530730006001 +48.7478908 -122.4859588 1395 1210
27 530730008052 +48.7492606 -122.4067977 1445 1130
28 530730009012 +48.7502108 -122.4486756 2515 1790
29 530739400001 +48.7523343 -122.6392227 3135 2195
30 530730005022 +48.7536468 -122.4908114 900 750
31 530730005012 +48.7553291 -122.4680353 785 680
32 530730008031 +48.7583331 -122.4368148 1410 1230
33 530730004003 +48.7588035 -122.4964198 2230 1835
34 530730007002 +48.7589789 -122.4527858 2390 1935
35 530730008041 +48.7598056 -122.3796655 2675 2080
36 530730005021 +48.7608715 -122.4788525 1175 995
37 530730008032 +48.7610418 -122.4283483 685 660
38 530730005011 +48.7647419 -122.4677358 1515 1200
39 530730004002 +48.7662345 -122.4848803 1465 1180
40 530730003003 +48.7663869 -122.5182667 780 595
41 530730007001 +48.7670116 -122.4424033 2355 1425
42 530730007003 +48.7675329 -122.4570766 1975 1625
43 530730008034 +48.7730953 -122.4396664 2090 1690
44 530730008033 +48.7735324 -122.4258109 1420 1185
45 530730004001 +48.7737789 -122.4801570 2490 1975
46 530730003001 +48.7754822 -122.5107316 2835 2200
47 530730008042 +48.7762692 -122.4168537 4590 3535
48 530730003004 +48.7789049 -122.4958852 2200 1695
49 530730001001 +48.7821562 -122.3386163 1105 865
50 530730003002 +48.7861956 -122.5006325 1165 895
51 530730002002 +48.7930145 -122.5392519 2385 1745
52 530730001003 +48.7996814 -122.4619102 5265 4295
53 530730002001 +48.7997671 -122.5706804 1230 900
54 530730002003 +48.8002717 -122.5122553 2100 1995
55 530739400002 +48.8071913 -122.6532447 1490 1240
56 530730002004 +48.8205396 -122.5154650 2680 2085
57 530730101001 +48.8219671 -121.3586126 150 95
58 530730001002 +48.8258435 -122.4014881 2245 1840
59 530730107022 +48.8268828 -122.3230201 1610 1215
60 530730105013 +48.8344134 -122.6289396 1185 1070
61 530730106001 +48.8396303 -122.5486101 2200 1715
62 530730107012 +48.8411418 -122.4241178 1770 1440
63 530730105024 +48.8420134 -122.6015385 1005 860
64 530730101003 +48.8509806 -122.0707239 1005 685
65 530730105012 +48.8556824 -122.6086893 3095 2100
66 530730105023 +48.8561103 -122.5928431 1560 1125
67 530730106002 +48.8587120 -122.5078557 2050 1540
68 530730105022 +48.8655957 -122.6046762 2025 1285
69 530730101005 +48.8704356 -122.1857670 1785 1225
70 530730105021 +48.8766049 -122.5712558 1920 1600
71 530730107013 +48.8825488 -122.4248438 1610 1210
72 530730106003 +48.8830771 -122.5353756 1820 1430
73 530730107021 +48.8854735 -122.3605804 2080 1475
74 530730105011 +48.8889116 -122.7854839 2705 1940
75 530730102001 +48.8916809 -122.2669016 1250 995
76 530730104041 +48.9021484 -122.7644472 2855 1940
77 530730107011 +48.9104767 -122.4380561 1485 1070
78 530730104042 +48.9114159 -122.6214432 2380 1800
79 530730104043 +48.9244621 -122.7395880 805 655
80 530730103012 +48.9271602 -122.5574361 2225 1505
81 530730102004 +48.9289620 -122.3343828 2545 1700
82 530730103022 +48.9383935 -122.4608223 1165 960
83 530730103013 +48.9437311 -122.4767063 2250 1860
84 530730102003 +48.9452392 -122.2892586 560 395
85 530730104015 +48.9534547 -122.7050134 1145 765
86 530730104032 +48.9547640 -122.7379769 1435 1060
87 530730103032 +48.9550092 -122.4356332 3810 2725
88 530730103021 +48.9551093 -122.4567929 3080 2250
89 530730104017 +48.9554072 -122.6450664 1865 1365
90 530730104031 +48.9617589 -122.8079958 3125 2510
91 530730102005 +48.9729745 -122.3576176 1260 805
92 530730110002 +48.9735513 -123.0826544 595 465
93 530730101002 +48.9739679 -122.0350444 3765 2685
94 530730103011 +48.9748939 -122.5387991 1575 1080
95 530730110001 +48.9807878 -123.0297037 405 390
96 530730104014 +48.9826667 -122.7172917 490 380
97 530730103031 +48.9841683 -122.4324484 1180 670
98 530730104013 +48.9859560 -122.7456251 1425 955
99 530730102002 +48.9885201 -122.2323756 1580 1220
100 530730104016 +48.9897651 -122.6319241 1485 985
101 530730104012 +48.9934175 -122.7328445 1230 870
102 530730104011 +48.9963797 -122.7578684 735 595
Barcharts of all races/ethnicity in Whatcom County
Below are one barplots and eight barcharts from the R base graphics and lattice packages. These grouped charts provide a more specific idea of race/ethnic distributions in Whatcom County. The scales in the lattice barcharts are different for each graph. I have sorted all these block groups by GEOID. With all the charts, it is important to note that although some block groups are more populous with people of color than others. None of the 102 Census block groups in Whatcom County are completely "White Alone". Click on charts to enlarge.
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