hand recount is underway for the 42nd LD. "Final" certified results are
here. A chart of the November 27th "final" (before recount) results is below as is a chart of
all Whatcom County Results .Wide screen will be best for the second all county chart. Click to enlarge the charts.
The origin point for this chart is 35,600. This emphasizes the rather close differences between all contestants in this race. |
The chart far below is all Whatcom for GE2018. I have included Race, Party, Candidate from
this WA state data here. The 42nd LD races are under recount for this week. The rest of these results should be now certified. Remember that not all races have a "preferred party". Some races had no opponents. Such races often have lower total votes than those with competition. Many races are district specific. For example, Glacier, Ferndale, Columbia Valley had measures limited to those districts only and LD 40 and Court of Appeals races only show the Whatcom County part of these races. See the
WA SOS results page for full results or see
Whatcom County Elections results for GE2018 for more information.
As regards to the all county totals and their different participation rates: The WA SOS controls
the order of appearance of candidates and measures on any ballot. It is well known that the state lists statewide initiatives, measures and races first because of "ballot falloff" or "ballot fatigue" in order to encourage participation for statewide candidates/races. Beyond this reasoning, why some local races receive more participation than others often requires subjective political judgement. As a personal note, most of us who are "voting advocates" continue to encourage all voters to make some choice for all races (no matter how distasteful that choice may be) and to "vote the whole ballot" least you let your future be decided by those who do. (-RMF). Click on the chart to enlarge.
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