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GE 2018 Reconciliation data from an Excel spreadsheet at sos.wa.gov. For more information about WA GE 2018 turnout see this link. Click to enlarge the chart. |
The WA SoS produces "Reconciliation Data" for elections. The county data comes from GE 2018. I list the top 20 counties for Ballots Issued. For information on past election results see here. For the standard measure of turnout for GE 2018, see here. The measures below from the Reconciliation Data , look at various ballot dispositions mostly for the top ten WA counties. Wide screen is required/recommended:
County BallotsIssued BallotsReceived BallotsCounted BallotsForwarded TotalballotsRejected
1: Totals: 4427187 3171933 3133462 4039 34428
2: King 1302293 981339 968106 148 13085
3: Pierce 508779 337864 331355 1767 4742
4: Snohomish 471168 328767 325869 79 2819
5: Spokane 323145 234318 231861 146 2308
6: Clark 289146 198856 196685 0 2171
7: Thurston 186056 127071 126031 30 1010
8: Kitsap 172772 123685 122284 476 925
9: Whatcom 147594 111082 110504 34 544
10: Yakima 116396 72304 71585 16 703
11: Benton 112829 77883 76082 975 826
12: Skagit 76910 56226 55583 3 641
13: Cowlitz 65431 45491 45152 0 339
14: Island 56954 43047 42625 79 343
15: Clallam 53466 40322 40110 4 208
16: Lewis 48036 34832 34478 3 351
17: Chelan 46183 34383 34098 0 285
18: Grays Harbor 43521 29224 28966 42 216
19: Grant 40681 27195 26869 0 326
20: Mason 40009 28288 28093 7 188
Ranked by percentage of "Issued Ballots" that were "Rejected":
County BallotsIssued BallotsRejected Issued.Rejected
1: Whatcom 147594 544 0.4
2: Kitsap 172772 925 0.5
3: Thurston 186056 1010 0.5
4: Snohomish 471168 2819 0.6
5: Yakima 116396 703 0.6
6: Benton 112829 826 0.7
7: Spokane 323145 2308 0.7
8: Clark 289146 2171 0.8
9: Totals: 4427187 34428 0.8
10: Pierce 508779 4742 0.9
11: King 1302293 13085 1.0
Ranked by percentage of "Issued Ballots" that were "Counted":
County BallotsIssued BallotsCounted Issued.Counted
1: Whatcom 147594 110504 74.9
2: King 1302293 968106 74.3
3: Spokane 323145 231861 71.8
4: Kitsap 172772 122284 70.8
5: Totals: 4427187 3133462 70.8
6: Snohomish 471168 325869 69.2
7: Clark 289146 196685 68.0
8: Thurston 186056 126031 67.7
9: Benton 112829 76082 67.4
10: Pierce 508779 331355 65.1
11: Yakima 116396 71585 61.5
Ranked by percentage of "Received Ballots" that were "Rejected":
County BallotsReceived BallotsRejected Received.Rejected
1: Whatcom 111082 544 0.5
2: Kitsap 123685 925 0.7
3: Thurston 127071 1010 0.8
4: Snohomish 328767 2819 0.9
5: Spokane 234318 2308 1.0
6: Yakima 72304 703 1.0
7: Benton 77883 826 1.1
8: Clark 198856 2171 1.1
9: Totals: 3171933 34428 1.1
10: King 981339 13085 1.3
11: Pierce 337864 4742 1.4
Ranked by percentage of "Received Ballots" that were "Counted":
County BallotsReceived BallotsCounted Received.Counted
1: Whatcom 111082 110504 99.5
2: Thurston 127071 126031 99.2
3: Snohomish 328767 325869 99.1
4: Spokane 234318 231861 99.0
5: Yakima 72304 71585 99.0
6: Clark 198856 196685 98.9
7: Kitsap 123685 122284 98.9
8: Totals: 3171933 3133462 98.8
9: King 981339 968106 98.7
10: Pierce 337864 331355 98.1
11: Benton 77883 76082 97.7
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